How to Take Pictures of Necklaces 

How to Take Pictures of Necklaces! Necklaces are one of the most popular types of jewelry. They are great for accentuating your outfit, or as a gift to show someone you care. For anyone who has ever wanted to sell their handmade jewelry or photos of their necklaces, you know how important it is to have a great photo. In how to take pictures of necklaces, we will cover how you can take a picture that showcases the beauty and elegance of your necklaces.

necklaces photography

The first step to how to take pictures of necklaces is getting the right equipment. This includes a camera and tripod, as well as a timer or remote trigger. You will also need some jewelry necklaces that work best for how to take pictures of necklaces because they are easy to photograph from all angles. Once you have your gear ready, it’s time to figure out what type of how to take pictures of necklace shots you want.

This article will also provide some tips on what you should do to make sure that your photos are as successful as possible.  

How to Take Pictures of Necklaces | Necklaces Photography Tips 

When it comes to taking pictures of necklaces, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. Here are a few tips:

1. Lighting


When it comes to photographing necklaces, the lighting is extremely important. The lighting can make or break your photos. For example, you want to take pictures of necklaces in a way that brings out the features of each necklace that you are showcasing.

This means that you should probably avoid taking pictures at night. The lighting setup can be too dark to bring out the features of each necklace. You will have a much better chance of showcasing your necklaces in detailed photos if you take pictures during the day or late afternoon when there is plenty of light around.

2. Where to Pose Your Necklace

When it comes to taking pictures of necklaces, you need to be mindful of where to place the necklace in the frame. You don’t want to place it too close to the edge of the photo, or else it will get cut off. At the same time, you don’t want to place it in the middle of the photo, as this can make the necklace look small and unimportant.

Ideally, you want to place the necklace somewhere in the upper third of the photo. This will help to make the necklace the focal point of the photo, and it will also help to showcase its size and beauty.

3. Use a Plain Background

Use a Plain Background

When it comes to taking pictures of necklaces, you don’t want to have a busy background. If you have a busy background, the necklace may get lost in all of this chaos and it won’t stand out as much as you would like for it to.

Backgrounds for jewelry are the main factor of Photography. This is why I recommend that you keep the backdrop simple. This could be anything from a white sheet to solid color background. If you don’t have access to a plain background, you can always use the “rule of thirds” to help create a more interesting photo.

4. Use Jewelry Props

If you are looking to take even better pictures of your necklaces, you may also want to consider using jewelry props. There are many different types of jewelry props that you can use in order to help your necklaces stand out and look their best.

For example, you could use a nice-looking plate or bowl as a background for your photo. Or, if you own an antique desk, this also works incredibly well as a prop for necklace photos. The options are really endless, so the only thing that you need to do is to use your imagination!

5. Don’t Forget the Details

When it comes to taking pictures of necklaces, it is also important not to forget about the details. You want to make sure that you capture the details of each necklace in your photos. This could be anything from the clasp to the chain.

If you are able to capture the details of each necklace, it will make your photos look even more professional and polished. So, make sure that you take the time to zoom in on each individual detail when you are taking your pictures. This is one of the easiest ways to take better photos.

6. Experiment with Angles

There are many different angles that you can use when it comes to taking pictures of necklaces. This is why I recommend experimenting with different angles, especially if you are trying to showcase your jewelry in a unique way. Different angles will help to keep things interesting and it will allow you to show your necklaces in a different light. 

7. Stick with Natural Lighting

I highly recommend that you stick to natural lighting, as this is the most effective kind of lighting when it comes to taking pictures of necklaces. If you do decide to use photography lights, make sure that you use them in moderation.

Overusing lights can lead to some strange-looking effects, so I recommend sticking with natural lighting whenever possible. Just make sure that the light is not directly facing the necklace. Instead, shoot at an angle or position yourself so that there is a light source behind your necklaces (such as a window). 

8. Watch Out for Glare and Shadows

Sometimes when you are taking pictures of necklaces, the necklace can catch a glare or cast a shadow. If this happens, you may want to consider either: using your camera’s spot meter (to focus on the necklace only), positioning yourself so that the light is behind you, or using a reflector to help bounce the light onto the necklace.

9. Use a Tripod

Use a tripod

When it comes to taking pictures of necklaces, I highly recommend using a tripod. This will help to ensure that your photos are in focus and that they are not blurry. If you don’t have a tripod, you can also use an alternative method of holding the camera steady, such as placing it on top of a stack of books. 

10. Add Interest with Props

If you are looking to take better pictures of necklaces, it is also recommended that you experiment with different props. You want to do whatever you can to make your necklaces stand out and look their best. This could be anything from using a simple white background to using an antique desk as a prop.

The options are really endless, so the best thing that you can do is to use your imagination! By using props, you will be able to create more interesting and eye-catching photos. 


In conclusion, taking high-quality pictures of necklaces requires attention to detail and careful consideration of lighting, composition, and background. By utilizing a macro lens or close-up setting on your camera, you can capture the intricate details of the necklace. Experimenting with different angles and perspectives can add visual interest to your photographs. Additionally, using natural light or investing in a softbox or light tent can help eliminate harsh shadows and create a more professional-looking image. Lastly, feel free to edit your photos afterwards to enhance colours and make adjustments as needed. With practice and these tips in mind, you’ll soon be able to showcase your necklaces in stunning photographs that will captivate potential customers.

Note: Interested to know about How to Take Good Pictures of Jewelry? Read here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is the ideal backdrop for taking pictures of necklaces?

A1: A plain, neutral-coloured backdrop, such as white, grey, or black, is ideal for highlighting the necklace and minimizing distractions.

Q2: What lighting setup works best for photographing necklaces?

A2: Soft, diffused lighting is essential. You can achieve this with natural light through a window, softbox lighting, or diffused LED lights to avoid harsh reflections.

Q3: How can you showcase the details of a necklace in a photograph?

A3: Use a macro lens or the macro mode on your camera to capture close-up shots that reveal intricate details of the chain, such as pendants and clasps.

Q4: What camera settings are recommended for necklace photography?

A4: Use a narrow aperture (higher f-number) for a greater depth of field to keep the entire necklace in focus. A tripod can help maintain stability in longer exposures.

Q5: Are there any post-processing techniques to enhance necklace photos?

A5: Yes, post-processing techniques like adjusting brightness, contrast, and colour balance can enhance necklace photos. You can also use editing software to remove imperfections or blemishes from the necklace’s surface.

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